Sunday, October 28, 2012

Illinois Dream Hunt

10.28.12:  10:00 PM

Davis was blessed with a wonderful opportunity to partake in a deer hunt sponsored by the United Special Sportsman Alliance. He and eleven other children with life-threatening diseases or illnesses met in Southern Illinois to hunt. Davis and Kyle really hit it off with Davis's hunting mentor, Terry. Terry is quite a hunting enthusiast and expert and kindly donates his time. He taught Davis all sorts of things about hunting.

Davis and his hunting mentor, Terry
Sadly, Davis did not tag a deer this time. He did, however, bring back a gigantic goose egg and substantial bruise on his forehead. Apparently, he leaned into the scope on his last shot, and it kicked back and got him.  I am sure he won't do that again.

Today at church. Notice the bruise?
I want to thank the USSA for this opportunity. Davis loved the experience and is super excited about all things hunting.

Davis had chemo on Friday, and all is well.  His counts were great. His ANC (immune system) is over 2000 (Healthy kids run over 1500). He receives a breathing treatment of albuteral and Pentamadine every month when we get chemo.  This breathing treatment protects him from fungal lung infections and fungal and profound pneumonias, which people receiving chemo are prone. However, this time, he didn't receive Pentamadine. He was switched back to an oral pill, Septra. Apparently, there is a drug shortage of Pentamadine and Children's has been unable to get a hold of it. I am hoping that the shortage is short-lived. I like the Pentamadine because it is one less medication that he has to take on a regular basis.  

The next chemo date is scheduled the day before Thanksgiving. Davis will be receiving another spinal of Methotrexate.

I downloaded pictures from Davis's camera this evening to get the hunting pictures. Davis had over 180 pictures sitting on it. It was quite a gold mine of sorts. I enjoyed looking at the things he feels worthy of capturing on camera. I thought I would share some of them. Keep in mind, these pictures range over a ten-month period and were taken by eleven-year-olds.

a weigh-in in clinic around March. My, how much
he has changed. Counting our blessings!

In the Capital Building in July

I love this picture!  He cracks me up! 
Washington, DC

He took this one last week at Fox Ridge. The 6th graders at his
school went as part of a rewards program. Beautiful, isn't it?

Goofing around at Fox Ridge.
Thanks for the continued prayers and support.

 We will keep you posted.

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