Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Life at the Coffey house is in a bit of a whirlwind.  Amanda is floating in the Gulf of Mexico with her friend Kim Arthur while the children want to see her.  Thank God for skype.  We get a free trip every year with our seed company and I told her I would stay back this time with Davis and Anna.  My brother and I took one about five years ago, so it technically was her turn.  As far as Davis goes, he had a bit of a scare Sunday night with some troubles breathing.  We took a speedy trip to the ER to get him checked out.  Cody Yocum and Brother Doughty were there when we got there.  Apostolic Center people are quite awesome.  Annakate had texted a little girl from church on our speedy ride to the hospital and the news got to a few of our friends.  It turns out he is ok.  It was probably a little anxiety attack. The poor little guy has so many things going through his head.
    As you can probably tell, I do not have the writing abilty of my wife.  But I sure can brag on the Lord just like her.  We are a blessed family.  God will heal my son and God will get all the glory.  This has been a tough stretch in our lives, but God is preparing the way every step we take.  We are truly nothing without the Lord.  When you say a prayer for our son this week, please think of someone who has walked away from the Lord and pray for them.  God richly bless all of you!! 

1 comment:

  1. Good for Amanda and very well said Kyle! We don't know God's plan, but we do know that He is the ultimate healer :) Without God's strength we wouldn't be able to handle what comes our way. I learned this first hand the last couple of weeks. Paul's daughter, who lived in Ohio, unexpectedly passed away on January 29th. Without the prayers of friends and God's strength I sure don't know how anyone gets through these kinds of struggles. Thanks again to your family for being such an inspiration to us all :) I too am certain Davis will be healed and will continue to pray for him and the whole family. God's love and blessings to each of you :)
