Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Pictures I Promised

11-12-2011:  1: 54 PM

I forgot I had a card reader on my laptop.  Anyway, a picture is worth a thousands words.

Annakate is eating frog legs in this picture.

Annakate is helping Bro. Kurt run the sound board at church.

Have the snacks, the drinks, the birthday girl. We just need the
classmates to celebrate.

Davis and Marla. . . .and of course, the coins.

Our friends, Kristin and Andrew (Davis calls him "Rabble Rabble") picked him up
this Cardinals flat-bill cap.  Davis thinks he is so cool; I think he looks a bit dorky. And so the age gap
on what is cool and what isn't widens.

Davis is getting chemo in this picture. A nurse had this beautiful scarf that was handmade in Africa.
She draped it on Davis because he looked cold. I don't know why, but I love this picture.

Davis took this picture. Annakate and I are waiting for Kyle to pull up the car
to the pick-up post near the parking garage.

Here we are getting ready to eat at Kobe's, a hibachi grill restaurant.

This is right after Davis has received his Peg shots. He has to gather his strength and courage
to move his legs afterwards. He just hangs out until he is ready to move.

We ran into Ms. Karen Turnbow, Ashmore School lunch lady, in clinic on Friday. It was nice to see
someone from home in St. Louis.

Annakate did a food and pet food drive for her birthday (in lieu of gifts). We dropped off
the dog and cat food at the animal shelter today. It was risky, because we barely made it
out of there without bringing a critter home.  I knew I was in trouble when Annakate said, "Hey, Mom. I brought my money with me. Maybe I could get a dog instead on an i-pod." 

This is impressive and very moving. Jefferson School has a whole wall
with students' hands on it. Many of the hands have encouragement for Davis on them.
This picture doesn't do the display justice. My camera was too small to capture it all.

1 comment:

  1. I love the picture of Annakate in the sound booth (she has your smile in that one!) and the one of the two of you together.
